Easter is just around the corner and so is the long-awaited end of Lent 🙂 finally treat yourself to a piece of cake with your cappuccino or a glass of wine to toast during a cooking evening with your loved ones. And that's why my family finds a Piccolo wine bottle in their Easter baskets on Easter Sunday. But the Easter basket wouldn't be mine if something homemade and individualized didn't find its place in it.

This year I pimped up the little wine bottles from my favorite winery with the great DIY stickers from SKULLPAPER and gave them a funny toast after the long dry spell. We, my family and I come from the Palatinate and a sip of good wine is part of everyday life. Except during Lent, but fortunately that will soon be over.

You need:
... sticker film from SKULLPAPER
... an inkjet printer
… the motive or one funny saying
and one Carrier that you want to stick on
The first thing I did was peel off the original labels on the bottles. To do this, I prepared a bowl of hot water, moistened a cloth and placed it on the labels. Wait a few minutes to let the paper soak and then you can easily scrape it off the bottle.

Then it was time for DIY label production. I typed out a few different sayings in Word, added a border to them and duplicated them so that the DIN A4 foil sheet was filled out. When printing with an inkjet printer, make sure you place the foil sheet with the shiny side down and very important! insert it as the only sheet in the feeder. If you place it on top of the sheets already in the printer, it may happen that the foil sheet is not gripped correctly and is fed incorrectly. If you have a laser printer, you should make sure when purchasing the films that you also select the adhesive films that are suitable for a laser printer. You can find both versions in the Skullpaper shop.
Since the films are transparent, I recommend choosing strong colors depending on the surface. If you want to improve the print quality a little, click on “optimal quality” in the printer settings before printing – and boom, you have great DIY labels.
Now all you have to do is get the SKULLPAPER sticker film into the right shape. Simple paper scissors are suitable for this.

Once you're done cutting out, it's time to glue it on. Make sure that the surface – in my case the bottles – is dry and clean. This way you can avoid unnecessary peeling and bubbles. The film can be easily removed from the paper.

If a small bubble does form in one place or another, try to press it to the edge or pierce it with a very fine needle and push out the air. And 'tadaaa' you have already created your own, individual and homemade bottle labels.
Since I'm going to visit my best friend soon, I customized a bottle for her too: simply copied the favorite photo of us both into Word, wrote a saying on it, put a frame around it and you're done.

And while you're at it and your friend enjoys a good wine at least as much as I do, he gets a bottle too - all for himself!

The great thing about the DIY sticker film from SKULLPAPER is that you can not only stick on glass elements such as wine or juice bottles, windows, glasses and vases. The film can also be stuck onto paper or ceramic. Actually, it sticks to pretty much any surface, unless it's a fabric.
My rather unsightly, not very decorative dishwasher also got a new coat of paint.

Choose a motif, print it on the adhesive film, cut it out, stick it on and voià, the dishwasher looks pretty stylish too. Or what do you mean?
Now it is your turn. You probably have your own great ideas for showcasing the sticker film from SKULLPAPER.
If you want, show me your DIY project. Use the hashtag on Instagram for this #myDIYskullpaper
Have fun being creative!